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Deborah Richman


Over the years I have the opportunity to served in many causes, the ones which serve the arts and humanity has always been at the core of my heart. Those programs serving to our social and cultural development while improving our community, people lives especially for our children should touch us all.


I have learned that we can all be a voice that shift the thinking into the direction that matters the most, to have the abilities of serving for a common good is our intended purpose;  At the front of all education for our children especially those with disadvantages.


When we focus into serving the needs of our future generation we focus in the future of the nation and staying ahead is a challenges that you are committed to meet. The Antonio Carreño Arts Foundation continues to offer services and structure programs one step at a time, It is my interest to continue developing those programs and promoting its principal. Please join us as we can bring our light together for a greater and more luminous world.



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